Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Figure 6:  NDVI image of study area, April 2001

Figure 7:  NDVI image of study area, February 2006

Figure 8:  Difference between 2001 and 2006 NDVIs

The following is a snapshot of the FIRMS Firefly data engine, which uses the MODIS Burned Area product to display which areas were burned by fire on which days of a specific month and year.  Our study area is outlined in red.  The different colors signify different days of the month that a fire burned.
Figure 9:  Snapshot of burned areas in study area, from FIRMS Firefly

Below is a zoomed view of the same study area, also obtained from FIRMS Firefly.
Figure 10:  Zoomed snapshot of burned areas in study area (FIRMS Firefly)

The images from the MODIS Burned Area product shows northern Thailand in April 2001 and February 2006.  White areas are areas of no data, black areas are unburned, and grey areas are burned on a specific Julian day based on the data value.  Some white areas signify water bodies, both internal (lakes) and external (ocean), as Thailand's coast can be seen on the bottom left of both images.
Figure 11:  Burned areas from MODIS data, 2001 (study area boxed in red)

Figure 12:  Burned areas from MODIS data, 2006 (study area boxed in red)

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